Sunday 31 March 2013

The Other Side (Flash Fiction)

He was quite groggy in the morning when he got up. Last night, the farewell-party had lasted too long. Although sleep-deprived, his spirits were high at the thought of the new job in a foreign country with the love of his life by his side. Life just could not get any better than this! He got into a taxi and headed for the airport. He did not know when he dozed off but he woke up to the sound of blaring horns. A crowd of people were gathered at a little distance away from him. He could also see an ambulance parked. He wondered how he had landed on the road. Without looking behind, he tried making his way through the crowd. They had surrounded a broken down taxi. The bonnet of the car was smashed and the bumpers were off. A taxi-driver lay dead on the ground. He recognized the driver – it was the same man who was driving him to the airport. He overheard the conversation of the people – there had been a terrible accident; both, the driver and passenger had died on the spot. He turned around to look at the passenger and was shocked to see his own body lying on the ground. He realized that the people could not see him, hear him or sense him. Surely this wasn’t real! He could not be dead!

As she waited for him at the airport, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach, fluttering around with excitement. The future that she had always anticipated was soon going to turn into reality. Her knight in shining armour, who had already swept her off her feet, was finally taking her away from home so that the two of them could begin a new chapter of life together. As the thought that she was leaving everything that she knew behind crossed her mind, her heart started feeling heavy. Letting go is never easy even if one knows for certain that a better life lies ahead…Giving up on things with which one is familiar is difficult, even if it causes one pain, because no fear is greater than the fear of the strange and the unknown. The idea of leaving behind her nagging parents that had initially seemed welcoming was now pricking her. What if the feeling of being alone appeared and started biting her? She quickly tried dismissing those thoughts. She knew that she wasn’t alone. He would always be there to hold her hand. A smile appeared on her face and her eyes lit up at the thought of him. Even if she was being invaded by feelings of emptiness and barrenness, his love would shower her, once again, with fulfillment and contentment.

His soul found her still at the airport. There was a crease of worry on her forehead and a frown on her face as she repeatedly dialled his number and found his phone not available. He wanted to speak to her but she could not hear the sound of his voice. He was a rain-cloud, held back behind the mountain of doom. She was a desert, aching for his touch, on just the other side…


  1. "Giving up on things with which one is familiar is difficult, even if it causes one pain, because no fear is greater than the fear of the strange and the unknown."

    How true. I liked this. Thought it would be a spooky ghost story with an equally spooky end. That would have been fun. But this was nice too.

    Also, knowing that you are never alone as long as you feel loved and wanted, is something that keeps us all afloat. Among the many things you have taught me, I will always remain grateful for all the love.


    1. Thanks! I haven't really written a spooky ghost story yet but I might play around with that idea someday :) Thanks for putting that in my head!

      And you are always welcome - we are all teachers and learners across various situations, I am glad to have made some positive difference to your world :)

  2. Oh God ... why does fate act cruelly at times? This is just so sad !!!

    1. Perhaps destiny had some different lessons in mind for both of them!

  3. Cool. Very well fit into "the twilight zone" episodes.

    1. I hope you meant that as a compliment :P I have not seen "The Twilight Zone" episodes but I hope it has nothing to do with vampires and the "Twilight" movie or book series..Am not a fan!

  4. Man proposes and god disposes:) Well written Divya!

  5. The fear of strange and unknown is perhaps fate. Love your flash fiction.

    1. Thanks Alka...I think the fear of the unknown is not limited to just fate but things in general...For example, if you were given 2 boxes - in one, you were shown was a scorpion and asked to choose which box would you put your hand inside, people would choose the one where they know a scorpion is because there is a tendency of fearing for the worst....

  6. Ohh... reading this gave me goosebumps.... beautifully expressed!

  7. emotional..
    Keep writing such impulsive stufffs...reminds us of love!

  8. wow, I mean WOW! The last sentence is very well written. Kind of highlights the plot.

  9. Very very well written! You outdo yourself every time you write a story Divya. Keep it up!
